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Tường Phát : 0914 37 38 35

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Màn hình điều khiển PHCN-961

  • Thông tin sản phẩm

Xuất xứ: Omega / Mỹ

Thông số kỹ thuật:

Model: PHCN-961
Kích thước: 108 H x 100 W x 148 mm D (4.25 x 3.93 x 5.82")
pH Range: -2.00 to 16.00 pH
pH Resolution: 0.01 pH
pH Accuracy: ±0.01 pH
mV Range: -1999 to 1999 mV
mV Resolution: 1 mV
mV Accuracy: ±1 mV
Temperature Range: -9.9 to 130°C
Temperature Resolution: 0.1°
Temperature Accuracy: ±0.5°C
Temperature Sensor: 1000 Ω Pt RTD
Temperature Compensation: Automatic with ±10°C offset adjustment or manual
Cleaning/Recalibration Notification: Programmable from 1 to 999 hours
pH Deadband Adjust: 0.01 to 2 pH
ORP Deadband Adjust: 1 to 200 mV
Relay Output: Three SPST relays, rated 250V @ 1 A
Analog Output: 0 to 20 mA/4 to 20 mA isolated current output
Signal Output Load: 600 Ω
pH/ORP Input: BNC connector
Input Impedance: 1013 Ω
Communications: RS485 client program
Power: 110 or 220 Vac, 50 or 60 Hz
Display: 4-digit LCD, 13.7 mm (0.54"); blue backlit
Operating Ambient: -10 to 50°C (14 to 122°F); 10 to 95% RH, non-condensing